The future of giving. The future of caring.

Learn about HeroGive Foundation’s Three Pillars of Purpose. Forming heroes for tomorrow’s leaders.

You make it so we can give it away.

Your gift makes HeroBridge possible. One of the the three pillars of the HeroGive Foundation is to give HeroBridge’s technology to nonprofits for free. Forever. This decision was based on the reality that most community service organizations (CSO) are unable to invest in the kind of technology we offer, even though they know the impact it would have on their ability to be more visible, effective, efficient, organized and scalable.

For example, through our fiscal partner Stepping Forward LA we have been able to provide our entire media and technology platform that serves hundreds of transitioning former foster youth and their mentors for free for four years. The entire app platform and media library of over 3000 life-readying videos has been supported by donations like yours, grants and foundational giving that included things like a workforce grant that allowed us to provide paid capacity building internships to over one hundred former foster youth interns! Further, Stepping Forward’s service footprint expanded from two zip codes to the entire of LA County, and tripled their annual fundraising in the three years since we launched their community.

For every $1 spent on building app technology, Stepping Forward earned a return of approximately $10.29 over the three-year period. A 1029% ROI. Their former foster youth service funnel went from 330 in 2020 to over 23,000 in January 2024. The growth in the service funnel represents an impressive growth percentage of approximately 6,868.18%.

This remarkable growth percentage suggests that HeroBridge technology has been highly effective in reaching the service population. It indicates that the technology has significantly expanded the organization’s reach and impact, allowing them to connect with and serve a much larger number of youth compared to their starting point in 2020. Such substantial growth demonstrates the technology’s ability to scale operations and outreach, making it a valuable tool for reaching and engaging the service population effectively.
— Stepping Forward

Looking Ahead to 2024 and Beyond

As we enter 2024 we look to scale up and expand the number of mentorship communities that we give away our technology to. Partnerships with Homeboy Art Academy for gang and addiction disorder recovering youth; VA/VPAN for Veteran Peer Mentorship & Wellness; 1000 Mile Club & Televerde for the transitioning incarcerated; and Spartan CrossFit for addiction disorder recovery in the heartland of Appalachia. Even a new inter-faith/eccumencial mentorship community that will build deeper community relationships and positive spiritual outcomes for its members. These five communities could use your help.

How You Can Help.

Your gift allows HeroGive Foundation to give our technology away for free and provides skilled jobs in media and technology for those in the communities we serve. It also builds a broader and deeper sample set for us to develop better mentorship strategies and predictive models based on empirical data and feedback. This information is critical to our groundbreaking partnership with MIT Media Affective Computing Lab where for over a year we’ve been developing machine learning to build a better and more intuitive understanding of human development and affective behavior, so mentors can be more effective. These models will make the platforms we give away to nonprofits more effective and prepare them for the coming age of data driven philanthropy.

How We Use Your Gift

As a civic technology company we believe the measure of impact of giving should be transparent. Your gift allows the Hero Bridge to continue to research, develop and give away high quality mentorship technology to nonprofits for free. Forever. As we build for the future your gift will be used as follows:

  1. 20% of your gift goes to our existing HeroBridge communities to subsidize, scale and support their incredible programs that provides hope and future for former foster youth in America through Stepping Forward, art therapy and kinship to Art Gang by Homeboy Art Academy Director Fabian Debora, HIT fitness recovery programs through Dale King’s Spartan Club, the Televerde Foundation for their jail-tojob training of incarcerated women and last but not least the 1000 Mile Running Club app for currently and formerly incarcerated runners. Scaling these programs through direct donation and media production creates more proven real world impact year to year.

  2. 10% of your gift goes to the administrative overheads that keep the HeroBridge apps available to nonprofits for free on the Google Play and Apple Store. These costs include hosting fees for the app, the massive private media library that has doubled YTY and world class AWS encrypted security to keep our communities safe, private and free from outside noise.

  3. 70% of your donation goes to assuring the platforms we develop for nonprofits remain cutting edge, relevant, useful and scalable. We allow the communities to guide our development, and as we add more communities we expect there to be unique features that we will need to build. Using Stepping Forward’s experience as a guide, developing virtual art galleries and learning-track-course guides were gamechangers in mentors’ ability to engage and motivate the communities. In 2024 we will spend on:

    1. Civic Technology Developers: Each iteration of the community requires our development team to engage. From our launch in 2019 with version 1.0 we are now on version 3.5 with two more development updates expected in 2024. Your donation could even sponsor a hackathon.

    2. Further investment in our relationship with MIT Media Labs and AI therapeutics that will result in powerful API’s that utilize the evidence of positive outcomes as a tool for machine learning to develop more effective ways and means of mentoring and resource building that we can release back to the nonprofits inside and outside our communities.

    3. Hire civic technology grant writers, marketers and business planners: With more foundations and grantors demanding “impact return on investment” evidence, we are poised to be the leader in the field and highly eligible for the growing number of technology grants that are time consuming to qualify and apply for. Our eligibility for these grants effectively doubles or triples the impact of your giving in this emerging field for which we are at the forefront. Further, our dedication to the rapid development of Fair Chance program integration into America’s workforce will require a seasoned sales team that can sell the program to employers and create economic security for training programs and our platform.

    4. Executive Special Teams Building: As we grow so too will our need for executive expertise. The need for specialists who understand the potential impact machine learning and artificial intelligence will have on philanthropy and nonprofits is something few are thinking about right now. Equipping ourselves for the future is a security blanket for nonprofits and foundations who are currently unprepared for a future where AI may be enhancing and using data to make decisions about philanthropy.

    5. Next Generation Reporting. If you’ve spent some time reading our site and articles we make reference to the future of giving and managing the expectations of philanthropists, foundations and institutional giving (CSR) in the age of big data. Expect to see the specific impact of your giving in the near future. It’ll make your rethink the return of investment on all your giving. Equipping nonprofits with powerful communication tools is included in your support.

Make a donation.

Come join us on our mission to change lives. Because the Hero is in ALL of us.


Giving Reimagined


Hero Bridge is an engine of purpose.

Organizations find the populations they serve in one place, making their subscription pay for itself through greater access and awareness. Add to this the support of donors and corporate social responsibility participants and Hero Bridge becomes an ecosystem of supportive services that grows and built for long term sustainability and relevance. A win. win. win.

Hero Give makes Hero Bridge transparent.

Donors get evidence of lives touched. Coming soon, each month you will receive a transcript of how your donation was used including the data proving your impact. You can even customize your donation to direct your dollars to impact, ie. “for LA girl STEM learning programs and courses”.

Hero Bridge is an economy.

Because Hero Bridge is built on a skill-based technology, those who create and manage the apps are the populations served. Similar to the supportive economies that Homeboy Industries, Not Impossible Labs, Televerde and ConCreates provide to their populations, Hero Bridge and Stepping Forward LA currently support a paid internship program that employs former foster youth at Opportunity House.

Hero Bridge is constantly innovative.

HeroBridge Foundation is structured as a brother-sister with Hero Bridge Technologies LLC enabling it to engage in cutting edge research and development of supportive technology and media that improves Hero Bridge’s impact. This efficiency makes it so corporate “cause” and CSR supporters can be certain that HeroBridge remains an industry leader, able to produce brand sponsored high quality content that is aligned with our communities (the XChange) as well as develop increasingly effective technology for our participating organizations. This relationship gives us the ability to remain sustainable and efficient into perpetuity. As we build capacity, 80% of your donation goes to producing topical content and program R&D.


If you are an company or organization seeking to support HeroBridge. Contact us!
(310)210 1515

Los Angeles CA