Three Pillars of Purpose

Donors increasingly view their giving as an investment in better outcomes for the social challenges they want to impact. This strategy has revolutionized the nonprofit industry and given rise to impact return on investment (IROI). IROI treat donations as investment where open accountability, reporting, data and metrics are communicated back to the investor as evidence of impact on mission and goals. These kind of metrics are becoming more mandatory and smaller community nonprofits are finding it increasingly difficult to receive grants, corporate gifts, foundation funding. Our Pillars of Purpose solve that.

HeroBridge’s technology bridges this data divide for nonprofits and in particular the thousands of small but effective community benefit and service organizations across the country.

Providing nonprofits with the cutting edge resource technology they need , for free forever, is one of HeroBridge’s three pillars of cause. HeroBridge’s other two pillars are: increasing the efficacy of mentorship by continually developing data driven technology and predictive models that support better outcomes; and third, raising donor expectations through evidence of IROI that help nonprofits communicate progress and increase their access to evidence based funding. This is why brands love to support our communities!

Unlike GoFundMe and other random-giving platforms, our donors are not just financial supporters, they are stakeholders in our Hero communities. Because the Hero is in ALL of us.

Make a donation.

Your generous gift allows us to put our technology in the hands of those who need it the most, for free, forever.