Resource Partner Highlight: Bento by Not Impossible Labs
Bento uses SMS’s to connect youth to healthy meals! Now a Hero Bridge resource on the Stepping Forward App!
Mick Ebling, founder of Not Impossible Labs was recently named by Fortune Magazine as one of the Top 50 World’s Greatest Leaders , a recipient of the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian of the Year Award. Mick sparked a movement of pragmatic, inspirational innovation. His latest venture Not Impossible Hunger, has just launched as Bento, a stigma-free option for transitioning youth to have access to healthy food where ever they are in the City.
Not Impossible and Hero Bridge have been cross-inspiring each other for quite a few years. A common belief that technology can be used to improve the lives of the under-privileged made the Not Impossible- Hero Bridge connection instant.
While Bento and Hero Bridge were in pilot (ironically at the same time), Mick’s Not Impossible Labs made available hundreds of meals that could be accessible through the Hero Bridge app. This made Bento one of our first ever resource partners that connected our digital Hero Bridge world to real world resources, ie. food! What’s more, because of the technology architecture, our app host Stepping Forward LA can make available the meals directly or via mentors. This way meals can be coordinated and prioritized to serve those in most need, when they need it most.
Imagine going to an interview on an empty stomach. This happens more than you’d think with transitioning foster youth as they try to better themselves. Something as simple as a pre-interview lunch can be a complete game-changer. One of our youth accesses the Bento link on the Hero Bridge app, and they are immediately geo-coordinated from their phone to participating restaurants. Bento shows the restaurant and the distance. The youth need only select the restaurant, choose the healthy meal choice and that’s it! The order is placed by Bento and the youth need only walk in and pick up the order just the same as you would a take-out order. No stigma, no fussing with coupons or being made to feel anything but what they are - Heroes. And not the hungry kind! On to the interview with a healthy meal onboard and ability to focus on their future!
Hero Bridge is so honored to have Bento as one of what will soon be hundreds or local resource partners that make Hero Bridge the most connected online/offline resource hub in LA, and beyond.