CSR Flash Drive!
Chris and I ran out to Target the other night to buy a blanket for his school’s charitable drive for the homeless. Later that week I happened to be texting with the school’s social impact director - he was at the US border for a prayer vigil and he mentioned that he brought down a huge load of blankets. I said “hey one of those blankets is Chris’!” He sent me a picture of the blankets being Blessed before distributing them to refugees. There was something very special about knowing and seeing exactly where Chris’ energy went. Basically, geo-data. Corporations love this kind of feedback. Whether dollars, time or blankets, the knowledge that your particular investment in the welfare of another made a difference, is innately important to the process of giving. We call this “impact return on investment” and we figured out a clever way of harnessing that knowledge with every dollar donated you make to our Hero Bridge communities. If you haven’t heard about our CSR Hero Coin community economy, check out this article.
Flash Drive
This Fall will be special. As we prepare for the full scale launch of the Hero Bridge community app for Stepping Forward LA, we are also thrilled to begin raising a fund for the next round of technology development. With the community humming with life, the development of an impact economy will make the community hum with prosperity. The CSR Hero Coin system will serve the dual purpose of making impact transparent to donors while assuring sustainability for the resource organizations that make the community brim with more action and activities. What’s more, the in-app Hero currency will provide aging-out of foster youth teachable moments through earning, saving and investing in their future in a low stakes financial responsibility environment. Triple win and the time is now!
To stay on track we'll need your help! For this tech build "Flash Drive" we are seeking to raise $22,000. To make it as seamless as possible, we’ve provided an easy contribution portal. Feel free to share the link with friends and family. A portion of your contribution will be converted into the very first CSR Hero Coins, the use of which brands will learn each month the impact of their investment through their own Hero Transcript of Impact that can be published directly to social media or sited in stakeholder reporting. (Not even Bruce Wayne has such an amazing tool in his belt. )
Since this is our very first giving drive since inception, we wanted to make give you a special gift. For this Flash Drive, we will be sending you a Hero Bridge flash drive loaded with a special thank you video from the Stepping Forward interns, a sample Hero Transcript Welcome Package as well as two VIP tickets to a very special social impact movie premier...coming soon!