Media is the Rocket Ship to a More Equitable World

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Recently, Netflix unveiled its first comprehensive study of diversity and inclusion in its film and series programming. It was developed by Dr. Stacy Smith (video) and the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative research team. (Report link below) This is yet another example of an industry best practice CSR effort wherein a company chooses to empirically and transparently report its own need for DE&I progress and accountability.

The study found that more than 50% of Netflix films and TV series feature women in starring roles, meaning the streaming service has reached gender parity for on-screen representation. However, women of color are greatly under-represented according to the first comprehensive study on Netflix’s diversity and inclusion in programming.  Deadline: USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative Releases Netflix Diversity Study, Finds Women Of Color Are Critical Component Of Inclusion

The following is a case in point for the untapped potential of women of color in starring roles: Hidden Figures is a concrete example of the power of SIE stories to generate specific impact by bringing gender and minority inclusive lead roles to untold stories with great empathy.  Aiding in Hidden Figures becoming a blockbuster was nonprofit edutainment organization Journeys in Films who created supporting marketing/educational efforts about the film and this period of history. In an amazing twist, the impact of this outreach lit up social media, and in turn provided an excellent demonstration of how film can have on impact on real world social behavior, ie. NASA decided to weigh in by naming facilities and missions after the real life characters.

Read here for more details.

Inclusion: Female- Minority Leads:  Netflix/ USC Annenberg Study and Infographics

Executive Summary (Good infographics)

Full Report

NASA Names Headquarters After ‘Hidden Figure’ Mary W. Jackson

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